Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dear Diary...

Shelby and I are making blueberry doughnuts with lemon glaze! There was a small dose of confusion at the beginning, but we overcame... by the blood of the Lamb!


So there she was... just mashing those blueberries. Just mashing away! IN goes the lemon juice. IN goes the sugar. UP goes the rising temperature of the jam. Oh, the skillz... Oh those plentiful skillz!
Commence the dough making. The intricate process proved to be tedious. Our dedication to the outcome was unmatched. This batter would be the best any kitchen has seen. THE LORD WAS WITH US! He provided just the right ingredients in just the right quantities.

With the changing of hands come the changing of love spilt in these doughnuts. Her delicate hands wrapped around the spoon. Messy fingers slide along the dough filled silver. Dropping the loving goodness into the... yeah... And the gooey goodness sits in their nests, where shortly in time will become delicious doughnut muffins.


And her small and silent feet move across the kitchen floor only to put her servant fingers to more wonderful service. The beauty one person, one heart can put into this one small batch of baked good, is astonishing! Her strong, delicate hands move with her silent, beautiful feet, to place these doughnut things in the fiery furnace that only can change them for their better selves.

We have conquered. The lemon dances with the blueberry across our tongues and delights our awaiting digestive systems. We do not measure our success by number but by love. And there is much here. Though we anticipate the completion of our task, we mourn the ending of this wonderful experience.


Our time shared in these fleeting moments are just a small reward to the amount of investment we choose to place in each other. These doughnuts are more than nourishment for our bodies, they are...Shelby makes a farting noise (with her mouth)... another jewel in the crown in our blood-brotherhood-ness.

Now. Please enjoy some music that we also enjoy.
I am Oak - Trees and Birds and Fire

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